Monday, January 10, 2011


A new year, new opportunities, perhaps a chance to rid oneself of past mistakes; or at least try some other path. I have realised that time has run out on certain trains, and I have chosen to board the next, or maybe I will walk the way and find roads I never knew, and maybe on the way I'll meet people I otherwise never would have known. There is always time, time to watch the snow fall, time to listen to an old story told by a stranger on a bus, time to walk that extra mile; there is always time to visit a long absent friend, time to read a half forgotten poem; there is always time to rethink one's actions and find a better way.


When the stars in the sky
ignore the firmament
and go off to sleep by day,
the stars of the water greet
the sky buried in the sea
inauguration the duties
of the new undersea heavens.
P. Neruda